2011/7/11 Zsolt Bertalan <herrber...@gmail.com>:
> My english, tagging and motorway mapping skills are not good enough, but I
> want to learn, that's why I ask you the following questions:
> - Is beam_barrier a useful addition to this proposal?

I think that a beam_barrier is the same thing as a guard_rail but
please correct me if I am wrong.

> - Is this guy ahead if his time or is this mapping crap?

IMHO the latter - not that it is complete nonesense, but I could
imagine easier ways to achive a better result (see below) without
explicit geometry in this case: the area is already defined by the
highway-ways (it is in between with a buffer of half the width of the

> - How would you map these barriers?

as property in an area relation.

> - Would you map these barriers at all?

I am not doing it at the moment, but I think it is a detail that might
be interesting to someone.


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