2011/7/4 SomeoneElse <li...@mail.atownsend.org.uk>:
> On 04/07/2011 17:14, Eugene Alvin Villar wrote:
>> OK, I think we have provided ample arguments for both sides. Only
>> three of us have debated this point in the last few hours and I'd
>> really like to hear other people's thoughts on this so that we can
>> gauge if there's a consensus for whatever.
> Whatever (if any) concensus is reached here, any discussion needs to include
> the authors of editor presets, and data users need to be informed before any
> data is changed.
> So far you've changed a bunch of data so that it (a) doesn't match
> Potlatch's editor presets, (b) doesn't highlight when viewed as in
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/87773605 and (c) won't appear in
> some maps created from that data because you hadn't said that you were going
> to make the change.

Eugene, I ask you to revert the automated edits you have done in the
past days concerning drive-throughs, e.g.

You obviously did not follow the
which would be discuss _before_ you perform the edit.


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