On 2/13/2011 6:07 PM, Steve Bennett wrote:
That makes sense if you think of a pass being a locality ("we had a
picnic up at the pass") rather than a particular road feature ("we
drove over the pass"). I would probably do the same thing, naïvely.

Probably a more intuitive tag would have been highway=mountain_pass
(like highway=turning_circle...)

That assumes it's only a highway thing, and railways don't cross passes.

As for a pass not being a pass if nothing crosses it, that appears to be false. For example, Merriam-Webster defines wind gap as "a pass not occupied by a stream", and I've certainly come across named wind gaps on topos with no highway of any sort crossing. Here are two examples, Meetinghouse Gap and Wooten Gap in Virginia: http://mapper.acme.com/?ll=36.76925,-82.20018&z=16&t=T If this isn't mountain_pass=yes, what should it be mapped as?

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