Inner relations for municipalities are indeed needed. One example of
"inner" holes of cities within a city is Chicago, Illinois. Norridge
and Harwood Heights are townships of Cook County, Illinois. They are
completely surrounded by the city of Chicago but don't belong to one
another. I believe many cities have this situation.

Andrew Sawyer
Lee, NH

On 01/09/2011, Dave F. <> wrote:
> On 09/01/2011 12:11, Pierre-Alain Dorange wrote:
>> Steve Bennett<>  wrote:
>>> Sorry, I don't follow. There should be a place=town node that is part of
>>> the boundary=town way? How could the centre of the town be on its
>>> boundary?
>>> But anyway, I'm specifically asking about boundary=town ways, and
>>> place=town ways. Should a town have both a place=town way and a
>>> boundary=town way? If so, what's the distinction?
>> Here in France we tag our town with 2 things :
>> a node (place=town or village, depending on population size)
>> a relation (type=boundary + boundary=administrative + admin_level=8)
>> The relation has members :
>> outer/inner composed with ways that define the boundary (a closed way
>> defining an area)
> Hi
> Why would you have 'inners' for a town boundary? I would have thought
> that everything within that boundary would be considered part of that town.
> Cheers
> Dave F.
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