On 7/01/2011 9:19 AM, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:
What do you think about waterway=aqueduct ?
Around here there are quite some historical aqueducts (e.g. [1]). Most
are ruins, but they are still impressive. I tag them
waterway=aqueduct, ruin=yes
Some are bridge-like (arches), but others are solid underneath.
Hmm. It could get increasingly difficult to objectively distinguish between all the different types of man-made water channel: canal, drain, aqueduct. (Incidentally, taginfo shows 40,000 uses of "waterway=artificial" - anyone know what that is?)

I guess the difference in the above is the purpose: transport, stormwater, and drinking water respectively. How is one supposed to tag an irrigation channel?


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