Am 27.10.2010 01:13, schrieb Dave F.:
On 26/10/2010 21:03, Elizabeth Dodd wrote:

The WTO definition is better for mapping purposes. Otherwise I have to
decide if a hotel is used by 'business' guests or 'holiday' guests.
These uses of a hotel do overlap.

Err.. Yes, you're correct the use of a hotel does overlap.

But we were discussing Tourism, which, in most definitions (as I noted) doesn't include business.

To go back to your confusion over Hotel;

Again: you are mixing up typology and function in the building-tag here. Therefore I don't agree.

why not ignore building for this purpose and simply use tourism=hotel, business=hotel?

Of course this is redundant - but who cares?

or something along those lines.

See? you don't have to decide, you just added multiple sub tags to clarify & make more accurate.


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