On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 2:23 PM, Peter Wendorff
<wendo...@uni-paderborn.de> wrote:
> While I agree completely at avoiding relations, that's a hard task for the
> router.
> It's extremly much work to take in account data combined with the data you
> need only via the coordinates as source.

Node on the way, highway=stop, stop_direction=X, where X is the
compass heading?  It'll survive changing the direction of the way,
though it might be off by a few degrees if the direction of the way is
changed (but probably only a few degrees, not likely by 180 degrees).

> Tagging the street sign (with pole and painted metal plate) is also a good
> idea - it's a barrier for pedestrian, a pole where a cyclist can lock his
> bike perhaps and much else; but it's not useful for routing as the
> preprocessing is very expensive.

No, not likely to be useful for routing, but in addition to your list,
along with a compass heading it would probably make a good addition to
a map when closely zoomed in.  The compass heading could be used to
orient the octogon and its text.

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