Am 26.10.2010 16:50, schrieb Anthony:
On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 10:45 AM, Nathan Edgars II<> wrote:
On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 10:27 AM, John Smith<> wrote:
On 27 October 2010 00:17, Nathan Edgars II<> wrote:
What's wrong with something like highway:forward=stop or
highway:backward=stop for the node where one must stop?
Editors won't honour that sort of detail, so if the direction of the
way is flipped for what ever reason than the direction added for signs
becomes erroneous.
I agree to some extent, but we already have other tags such as
cycleway:right and relation roles of forward/backward.
That's probably acceptable, as the errors could rather easily be
detected by applying the "nearest intersection" (perhaps along with
some sort of nolint code for those possible few intersections which
don't obey the standard rule).
But why do you move the problem from the applications (pre)processing
the data to editors and bug-finding tools?
A routing/navigation application has to calculate his routing graph from
the data. This app can decide if it's useful to know the role of a stop
sign on a road or not.
Why do you want to tag it in the data, if it's not needed? As: if it's
possible to detect these errors automatically it should also be possible
to calculate the "missing" data when constructing the routing graph.
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