2010/10/22 Sean Horgan <seanhor...@gmail.com>:
> A short definition is great but I think the wiki page could use a little
> more explanation *after* the definition, e.g. some examples, references to
> supporting  sources like wikipedia.

while it is convenient to link to wikipedia I don't like the idea very
much that the definition for our keys or values are changed
continuously on a remote place by non-mappers that aren't even aware
that our tagging system is based on their definition.

>  I also think that it is worth
> mentioning and linking to pertinent mail archive threads on the use of the
> tag as it help gives some context.

I think to threads prove that there is a problem.

> As a new tagger I was confused about its use and I'd like to take a stab at
> improving the wiki.  I'm not talking about a wholesale change.

I would go for a wholesale change. The longer we wait the messier it
gets, it's like the license change ;-)

> I like the wikipedia definition:
>  amenities are any tangible or intangible benefits of a property, especially
> those that increase its attractiveness or value or that contribute to its
> comfort or convenience.

That's not the way amenity is used in OSM.


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