Couple of thoughts A) I agree/support it's not hierarchichal / A contains B but more whether A is just "larger" than B, regardless of whether a particular B is fully contained within, or reports to a particular B
B) i don't feel that any particular tag should necessarily have a global level of consistency. As a geographer, i instinctively grasp that location itself is context added to any fact - as one of the five fundamental questions of real it (what, where, when, why, how). So why must something that is context define itself as global? As a semi-example, we have three stylesheets for MapQuest - UK, US, and World. We converted all 3 styles and upgraded mapnik to support multiple styles - this mitigates tagging for the renderer. So therefore, why must admin level 9 in Jibrovia meanthesame as admin level 9 in mordor, if we know we have the capability to comprehend and deal with each differently? PS: I will buy beers at SOTM 2011 for anyone who can sing the Jibrovian national anthem to me :) Sent from my iPad _______________________________________________ Tagging mailing list