Hi all,
I'm happy to announce the creation of the Garmin Map features part of
the of SchemaTroll 2.01 project


I used the 2nd latest version of the mkgmap features, and compared it
with the Master Garmin map features list. and organized the feature
categories, and added in my own ideas of what new map features could
be created.

It's a free Open Access chart so anyone can edit as they like, i set
it up so that i will get notified of changes on the chart.


It's now easy to see what the appropriate OSM tags should be like.
Feel free to add in comments in the last column of the sheet.

Hopefully, this will give some people an idea of how to enhance the
OSM wiki Map Features, as there are lots of features that need new
tags created.


Across Canada Trails - Beyond 2017 - The National Trails Network
Victoria, BC Canada

Twitter: @Acrosscanada
Blog: http://acrosscanadatrails.posterous.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans
Skype: 'Sam Vekemans'
IRC: irc://irc.oftc.net #osm-ca Canadian OSM channel (an open chat room)
IRC: irc://irc.oftc.net #CommonMap The Common Map channel (an open chat room)

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