On 9/21/10 7:08 AM, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:
2010/9/21 Richard Welty<rwe...@averillpark.net>:
  On 9/21/10 2:19 AM, Stephen Hope wrote:
maybe you can spot a more technic term? I'm sure they have a proper name
Wikipedia is a little disjointed on this.

Attenuator is generically used for both rail type and barrel type
barriers, water filled or sand filled. Attenuator has its own wikipedia
page which the Jersey Barrier page doesn't link to.

concrete Jersey Barrier is frequently referred to K-rail, and that usage is
broader than Wikipedia recognizes; the term K-rail is more likely to be
recognized by engineers than by the public, though.

OK, sorry, in the main time I added jersey barrier, feel free to
change this if you're sure that your terms are more precise / known. I
also added the spikes to the proposal (without picture, everybody feel
free to add it). I discovered that spikes already relinks to barrier
(but is not very visible on the barrier page).
i'd say jersey_barrier is fine for the concrete, it's a more commonly known
term than k-rail and nobody will be confused by it.

but i'd use impact attenuator for the plastic sand/water filled barriers.

also, there needs to be some indication when barrier types are mapped
what they're doing. jersey barrier usually lines one or both sides of a way,
but sometimes it's placed as a block across a way.

i'll add impact attenuator and adjust jersey barrier in a little bit on the
wiki, but i'm not sure what i would propose for indicating how a barrier
is installed (block vs lining a way.)


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