On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 12:36 PM, Antony Pegg <anttheli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I need to tag a hockey rink - regular hockey, not ice hockey.
> There is no leisure=rink, only leisure=ice_rink
> http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rink
> this is an outdoor boxed-in structure with asphalt or concrete ground to
> play hockey on roller blades

Ok, let's be clear: the "hockey" you're talking about is a derivative
of ice hockey, closely related to street hockey?

> For now I'm going to use leisure=pitch, sport=hockey, surface=concrete and
> will edit later based on feedback here

Although the wiki page sadly doesn't spell it out, I'd assume hockey
is "field hockey", given OSM's british origins. The sport you're
describing is neither ice hockey nor field hockey, so use a different
tag altogether.

> My thinking is, if I was into inventing tags, it would be something like:
> leisure=rink
> surface=concrete/wood/ice
> sport=roller hockey (or just hockey, and type is inferred)

Inferring is bad. People will always want to do queries like "return
the number of hockey-related objects" without having to apply a
million conditions like "don't count it as hockey if the surface is

> but then that would change it from
> leisure=ice_rink
> sport=ice_hockey or sport=hockey (if if its an ice_rink, do people assume
> the type of hockey is ice-based?)

Don't worry about what "people assume". Reusability by machines is the
game here.

> to
> leisure=rink
> surface=ice (as opposed to roller or curling)

If the current tag is leisure=ice_rink, there's no need to suddenly change that.

> sport=roller hockey (or sport=hockey, and type is assumed based on surface?)

I'd suggest:

leisure=pitch; sport=roller_hockey; and for clarity or extra marks,
add surface=*

(with apologies to Richard Weait).


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