ok I can't figure this out and its driving me crazy!

please look at this map:

In the middle of it you will see "West Lampeter"

if you zoom in to ZL 10, you will see "Lancaster" finally show up as a

If you zoom back out to 9 again, you will also see

a) Harrisburg, Reading, Allentown
 - These are cities, physically larger than Lancaster.  Lancaster City is
the center of Lancaster County in the State of Pennsylvania

b) around Lancaster you will see:
West Lampeter - a township - basically just a municipality - its not
somethign you'd really expect to show up until around zoom level 13

Manheim - a town above the City of Lancaster (mentioned as a reference for

Warwick - This is also a township.  The town itself is called Lititz.
Lititz doesnt show up until zoom level 13:

I found the Lancaster node, changed it from Town to City, which made it show
up at least at zoom level 10.  I found the West Lampeter node - it seems
correctly tagged according the admin_level & place pages for US.  I found
the Lancaster City Way/Area, and it also seems tagged correctly (except for
all the TIGER tags on it, but I wont delete them until I know I've actually
fixed at least THIS issue)

1. What do I need to do to make Lancaster show up at the same level as
Harrisburg and Reading?
2. What do I do to make Lititz show up at the same level as Manheim?
3. What do I do to downgrade West Lampeter and Warwick to an appropriate

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