2010/9/15 John F. Eldredge <j...@jfeldredge.com>:
> A garage is highway-related, but it isn't a way.  As far as I know, all of 
> the other usages of the highway tag are a road, path, track, motorway, or 
> some other type of way.

I agree (the only exception I am aware of is highway=bus_stop on nodes
(actually looking up highway in the wiki it seems that lot's of nodes
have been "sneaked in" without any voting or announcement), but maybe
this has also not been the best idea. There is also highway=services -
IMHO one of the worst ideas recently. Anyway: depots are most probably
best represented as ways/polygons and shouldn't therefore be
highway=depot). Parkings are far more highway related as they are
usually paved areas, in all cases you can drive on them, but they
still are not highway=xy. Depot should IMHO not be a highway-tag (I'd
prefer to keep highway related to streets, paths and similar).


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