On 28 August 2010 10:16,  <just.st...@lesve.org> wrote:
> LeSve wrote, On 2010-08-28 09:46:
>> How should Postoffice be tagged in Sweden.
>> The Postoffices has disapperared and is instead a small part of
>> another shop (or Petrol station etc).
>> Should another node be created which said postoffice or
>> should the shop-node have another key-value telling this.
> More explanation. This is not called post-office.
> They called it "postombud" (post office agent in English)

I tag them as two different nodes. One node with amenity=post_office
and another with e.g. shop=convenience. Not sure if the question have
a definitive answer, but for me at least it makes more sense with two


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