Martin, So its ok to shift stuff from tourism but not shift stuff from
amenity to emergency?

On 8/24/10, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer <> wrote:
> 2010/8/23 Peteris Krisjanis <>:
>> 2010/8/23 M∡rtin Koppenhoefer <>:
>>> 2010/8/22 Claudius Henrichs <>:
>>> I'd very much like to see a toplevel-tag cultural (and probably
>>> another one accomodation).
>> In fact, culture is so overwhelmingly general word, that it can be
>> anything. I would avoid to use it.
> actually I chose it because it is quite generic and there is a lot of
> feature which best fits in there IMHO (libraries, museums, artwork,
> theatres, cinemas, etc.)
>> It would help to see which old tags you think must be under new
>> cultural toplevel tag.
> For museums but especially for artwork like sculptures and mosaics
> (the description is kind of suboptimal on the wiki, see:
> )
> I do despute that they belong to tourism. Why should a sculpture be
> associated with tourism?
> But also the already mentioned picnic-site and zoos have the least to
> do with tourism. Almost any feature can on the other hand be
> associated with tourism (beach, river, lake, forest, tree, mountains,
> fountains, churches, ...), even prisons ;-).
> Another point is that we already have leisure. Tourism is probably a
> subclass of leisure, some of the tourism-features might fit better in
> leisure (e.g. picnic-site, zoo). (but it can also be seen the other
> way round: leisure is a subclass of tourism, see below).
> The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who "travel
> to and stay in places outside their usual environment for more than
> twenty-four (24) hours and not more than one consecutive year for
> leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an
> activity remunerated from within the place visited."
> I would not use tourism in OSM at all, as it can easily be devided
> into the things that are now (partly) subsummized: accomodation,
> eating and drinking, places of historical and/or cultural interest,
> amenities like picnic places, natural features, leisure features like
> zoos, etc.
> cheers,
> Martin
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