2010/8/18 Vincent Pottier <vpott...@gmail.com>:
> On 18/08/2010 01:17, John Smith wrote:
>> On 18 August 2010 08:25, Andreas Labres<l...@lab.at>  wrote:
>>> I can't follow your argument here. A dancing school (or is ist called
>>> dance
>>> school? in which part of the English world?) is an amenity, is it not?
>> The term amenity, if used in the vaguest form, can almost mean anything.
>>> And you do want a generic amenity icon? For what?
>> For the category of various schools...
> of various trainings, clubs (dancing, bridge, sport, music)... ?
> or of various schools, primary, secondary... ?
> Even if dance schools share a part of they name with the scholar system, it
> is obvious that they are not in the same category, at least in France, and
> could not share the same icon.
> And the suggestion of adding a 'training' value to the amenities doesn't
> hurt me.

"teaching" would be another good word.

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