Yes, but my point was that fire extinguishers are not interchangeable with fire 
hydrants.  If you don't have a fire hose on hand, a fire hydrant won't be of 
any benefit to you, but a fire extinguisher might be of use.  Also, if the fire 
has already grown beyond what can be put out with a fire extinguisher can 
handle, but you do have a fire hose on hand, you need to know the location of 
the nearest fire hydrant, not of the nearest fire extinguisher.  If both fire 
hydrants and fire extinguishers are tagged identically, then you won't know 
from looking at a map which is which.

-------Original Email-------
Subject :Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Fire_Hydrant
Date  :Tue Jul 27 12:29:25 America/Chicago 2010

At 2010-07-27 06:18, John Smith wrote:
>On 27 July 2010 22:58, David Earl <> wrote:
> > Like an earthquake in Haiti, for example,...
>I'd rather not be sued because someone thought they might be able to
>do something with the data that turned out to be false...

Doesn't our use license include a hold-harmless clause? If not, why not?
Not that there's much in the way of assets anyway.

It seems already that public entities are interested in OSM. If we can keep
those from being purely one-way forks, and manage to keep vandalism
(intentional or not) at bay, there is certainly the potential to have
extremely accurate maps of things (like hydrants, exits, extinguishers)
that may not exist anywhere else. I'd certainly find that welcome in a
building that's on fire.

Alan Mintz <>

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John F. Eldredge --
"Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to 
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