How are people using the "lanes" tag on motorways? Do you count the
on/off ramps that come and go?
On a lot of the freeways near me, they have two main driving lanes on
each direction, so I set it up as a dual carriage way with one-way on
each side, and mark each side as lanes=2.
The question comes in for the on/off ramps. There are sections where
two intersections are somewhat close together, and so there is an on-
ramp, a long extended merging lane, then the next off ramp.
Strictly speaking, there is a third lane for some distance between
the the ramps, but it isn't a "through" lane. There are only 2
driving or through lanes in that section of freeway.
See for example hwy 217 between Denney and Allen at:
I have only been counting the driving or through lanes, so I have
tagged this as lanes=2, and just ignored the short extent of the
extra merging lane.
Likewise, there are suburban streets that have an extra turn lane
just before an intersection, like Murray Blvd at:
As one big street with two driving lanes each direction, I've tagged
it as lanes=4 and ignored the short extent of the extra turn lane.
And one more variation is the suburban boulevard with one center
lane, only allowed to be used for turning/merging in and out of
driveways. I consider this like the freeway merging lanes; I've just
been counting the driving lanes and not the turning lane also. See
Canyon Road at:
So, is this what other people are doing? Any pros/cons to handling
to merging and turn lanes like this?
- Alan
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