On 23 June 2010 19:04, ael <law_ence....@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> I have added a couple of Builders' Merchants recently, and tagged them
> as either hardware shops or DIY. Neither are really appropriate.
> A quick search on the wiki didn't turn anything up. Is there an existing
> tag?
> If not, is "building_supplies" more easily understood internationally than
> native english "builders_merchant" (modulo apostrophe/single/plural)?

Sorry if I've misunderstood you, but hardware stores here sell
building supplies, they vary in size from a small store to massively
big warehouses.


The only thing I see wrong with the shop=hardware page is it
explicitly states a small shop, but I disagree with that, they can be
quite large as well, even the image shown is for a big store, not a
small one.

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