2010/6/2 John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com>:
> On 2 June 2010 19:26, Liz <ed...@billiau.net> wrote:
>> "John's set" are usually towers - I've seen a fair number of them in my
>> travels.
> I'd still consider the mobile phone masts that are about the place are towers.

I don't mind how we differentiate them (1st level or subtags), but
they should be tagged somehow differently IMHO. There is quite a vast
variety of towers, differentiated by construction type and material,
usage/typology (ranging from campanile, firefighter-tube-drying,
fortress, watchtower, viewtower, skyscraper, tv-tower, oil drilling to
ancient towers in citywalls and noble residences), size/height. Then
there are antennas, which IMHO do not fall in the tower category, but
stretching it's meaning possibly also could:


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