Some of you will remember when I made this table six months ago. I've
updated it now*, with the latest versions of all input data, except

For those who don't know it, this table is generated by analysing
source code for the major renderers and editors: Mapnik, Osmarender,
Kosmos, Potlatch, Josm, as well as OSMdoc usage counts and the "Map
Features" wiki page. Each line shows a key/value pair (eg,
"aerialway=drag_lift") and which of those tools appear to support it
(in this case, mapnik and kosmos, and it appears on the Map Features
page, in Potlatch's "autocomplete", and has 1606 usages as of december

I think this table is a useful tool for harmonising tools, and
standardising the tagset, but I'm not quite sure where to go next. I
do note that Osmarender supports a lot of deprecated tags (eg,
amenity=ruin), and that's possibly doing more harm than good. Also, if
you look through the table you'll find lots of tags that are in wide
usage but have no renderer support (eg, voltage=*), and some tags
officially proposed in Map Features but not actually supported by
anything (eg, narrow=*, mooring=*).

Anyway, once again, have a look, see if this gives any interesting insights.

* Harder than it sounds - almost every source file had changed in a
way that broke my program.

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