On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 2:46 PM, Claudius Henrichs <claudiu...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Am 15.05.2010 19:18, Serge Wroclawski:
>> 2) We fix the definition of parking and change the renderer.
> Redefining an established tag won't work. How will you ensure that the
> remaining... hundreds of thousands of occurances of amenity=parking
> comply to your new definition?

I think the definition is wrong, and we're a wiki. I could go in an
change the one line about lots (since it doesn't make sense anyway).

The tag is accurate, it's a parking area.

My main concern is really the way the data is displayed in mapnik. As
Katie pointed out, some change to that was made recently which had
effects to DC in a very negative way.

> So you should rather go for getting the access tagging correctly by on
> the ground surveying.

I collect plenty of data for OSM, but see no reason to duplicate the
hard work that's already been done by professionals. Of course you're
welcome to do so.

- Serge

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