On 15 May 2010 00:32, Richard Finegold <goldfndr+...@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Template:Map_Features:barrier is
> the template used for barriers in the Map Features wiki page. The
> existence of this template arguably makes the tags consequential in
> the entire scheme, as Map Features is self-described as "a core
> recommended feature set and corresponding tags".

So what?

Here's the rest of what I wrote so as I can't be taken out of context again:

> Perhaps I was too succinct, in my opinion if you plan to use a tag and 
> nothing similar is already documented you should document it but it's usually 
> pointless requiring a vote on anything that will have an inconsequential 
> effect on OSM or other tags, especially if all you are doing is extending an 
> existing tag key to have some minor values documented.

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