On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 3:43 PM, Anthony <o...@inbox.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 2:03 PM, Paul Johnson <ba...@ursamundi.org> wrote:
>> Anthony wrote:
>> > For example, just one example, here in Florida bicycles are allowed to
>> use
>> > certain roadways (most roadways, in fact, but I'm too lazy to look up
>> the
>> > exact law right this second).  I'm not sure that's a universal law,
>> > applicable everyone in the world.
>> Unless Florida is somehow declaring themselves independent from the rest
>> of the United States, which signed on to the Vienna Convention on
>> Traffic, then all roads are open to bicycles unless specifically posted
>> otherwise, just like every other state and province in north america.
> I'm not sure if the Vienna Convention on Traffic is self-executing (or if
> not, if there is any implementing legislation), but that's interesting to
> know nonetheless.  I'd guess the vast majority of (if not all) roads on
> which bicycles are not allowed are going to be marked as such, both here in
> Florida and in "every other state and province in north america".  Makes
> things a lot easier :).

Except, I just checked, and it doesn't seem they are.  I take it "all roads
are open to bicycles unless specifically posted otherwise" isn't an exact
quote (or that "roads" has a non-standard definition).  Where can I find the
exact rule?
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