Hi everyone,

We’re getting close to the finish line for Swift 3, but we still have some work 
to do in swift-corelibs, especially swift-corelibs-foundation. I want to lay 
out what our goals and plans are for the next few weeks.

As Swift 3 has been wrapping up, an immense number of important syntax and 
language changes have landed which have rendered many of our 
source-compatibility efforts for swift-corelibs-foundation obsolete. The most 
important is id-as-Any 
 As this affects how all Objective-C API is imported, and a lot of Foundation’s 
API comes from Objective-C, many of our APIs have changed (for the better). 
There have also been constant refinements and improvements to many of the 
Foundation value types, and their effect on Foundation API.

Therefore, we are extending the deadline for swift-corelibs-foundation API 
changes for another 3 weeks (Aug 18), so that we can land three critical tasks:

1. Integrate swift-corelibs-dispatch into Foundation.
2. Land the URLSession implementation 
3. Update our API to match the final APIs shipped in Swift 3 for Darwin

At this time we are going to focus on just these goals. Additional 
implementations will have to wait until the next release (which we will start 
planning soon, along with the rest of the Swift 4 efforts).

I want to thank everyone for their hard work on the core libraries so far. 
We’ve accomplished an amazing amount in such a short time! Now, if we can wrap 
up these three things, we will be in great shape for our first official release.

- Tony

swift-corelibs-dev mailing list

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