My suggestion to work around this issue: revert that commit locally - the rest 
should build fine. Unfortunately the change was made without a workaround for a 
deprecated transition when the new accessor was added so we had a hard 
transition that required a full rebuild or else the CI would break on Linux.

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 24, 2016, at 1:13 AM, Rob Allen <> wrote:
>> On 24 May 2016, at 05:38, Philippe Hausler via swift-corelibs-dev 
>> <> wrote:
>> I took a few moments to file a few more starters for Foundation (hopefully I 
>> should be able to fill out a few more soon). I ran across a some nice ones 
>> that should be relatively trivial to knock out. I think for Foundation the 
>> marker for a good starter bug would be things that are highly testable with 
>> a reduced scope of interfaces. Formatter subclasses are a great point to 
>> start with. Some of the NSUnimplemented methods are minefields that would 
>> require runtime support, whereas others are great points to start with.
>> Furthermore there will likely be a few good ones that will come in when the 
>> proposals start to land; there is a lot of busy work with the whole naming 
>> changes. So stay tuned on that front.
> I would love to help out, but can't get the Xcode workspace to compile due 
> the the `return Int(self.native.bitPattern)` issue. 
> Is a new development toolchain likely to be released soon, as I'm struggling 
> to build my own toolchain.
> Regards,
> Rob...
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