Would you agree that the first step should be to have the project as a SwiftPM 
package so that we have a more consistent way to run tests on all platforms? Do 
you know if SwiftPM is far enough to support swift-corelibs-foundation? I might 
have a go at it once I finish implementing NSProgress (about half way through I 

> On 23 May 2016, at 17:59, Tony Parker via swift-corelibs-dev 
> <swift-corelibs-dev@swift.org> wrote:
> Hi David,
>> On May 22, 2016, at 8:15 AM, David Hart via swift-corelibs-dev 
>> <swift-corelibs-dev@swift.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> The discussion we had previously on this mailing list made it quite clear 
>> that:
>> - Objective-C Foundation is the framework that is supposed to be used on all 
>> Darwin platforms,
>> - swift-corelibs-foundation will be the Foundation framework for all other 
>> platforms,
>> - Both frameworks will evolve slowly together.
> Yup.
>> Therefore, it makes sense that for code written against Foundation to be 
>> portable, the swift-corelibs-foundation APIs and behavior needs to be 
>> identical to Darwin Foundation. Hence the following questions?
>> - Shouldn't we be writing tests in a way so that they can be run against 
>> Darwin Foundation and have the CI Server run them? For example: while 
>> working on NSProgress, I write a bunch of tests against Darwin Foundation, 
>> make sure they pass, then copy-paste them in the CoreLibs project, and fix 
>> the implementation until they pass. This makes sure that both APIs are 
>> consistent with each other. I was thinking that we ought to automate this 
>> and have the CI server test them.
> That would be a great step. This is part of the reason we tried to set up the 
> dependencies of Foundation on XCTest the way we did, and provide the Xcode 
> project file; so we could share tests. I would welcome any help we can get on 
> improving our automation story here.
>> - How are we planning to reconcile the API differences between both 
>> frameworks? For examples, one of my tests will run against CoreLibs but not 
>> against Darwin because NSThread.init takes a closure as argument in CoreLibs 
>> but a target+selector in Darwin. This is just one example, but I guess they 
>> are other inconsistencies elsewhere. This seems to be particularly the case 
>> with APIs that rely on the Objective-C runtime.
> These should be marked as “experimental” in the documentation comments. If 
> not, we should do that.
> There are some areas where we just don’t know what to do yet, because of the 
> lack of the ObjC runtime and implicit bridging on Linux. In some of those 
> places we’ve tried to provide a replacement API and mark it as experimental 
> until we can figure out the larger story.
>> In general, I'm starting to worry about the state of Foundation from a 
>> portability point of view. Once Swift 3 is released, I want to start writing 
>> portable swift code that relies on Foundation. And it seems like this will 
>> require a huge amount of #if os() everywhere to cope with the differences.
>> David
> Our long term goal is to enable developers to do this. I acknowledge that we 
> have a ways to go to get there. I’ve seen an uptick in contributions 
> recently, which gives me hope that we can get closer before the release of 
> Swift 3.
> - Tony
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