Hi Jeremy,

On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 09:19:19AM -0700, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
> Now that this has been enabled by default, I should warn folks of a
> caveat that I found in the buildworld/buildkernel framework.  It's
> easiest to explain like this:
> 1. Install FreeBSD 9.x, svn checkout of stable/9, etc...
> 2. Add WITHOUT_CDDL=true to /etc/src.conf
> 3. Rebuild + install kernel/world per src/Makefile procedure
> 4. Remove WITHOUT_CDDL=true from /etc/src.conf
> 5. rm -fr /usr/obj/*
> 6. Rebuild world
> 7. Rebuild kernel -- fails, stating "ctfconvert: not found".
> For whatever reason the buildkernel bits make the assumption that
> ctfconvert exists on the system (presumably in $PATH or possibly a
> hard-coded), when ideally it should try to use the recently-built
> version in /usr/obj first.

I've tested this is a freshly installed 9.1-RELEASE jail and I haven't
been biten by the bug you describe.

ctfconvert(1) seems to be installed by default in 9.1-RELEASE, this is
probably there problem didn't occur.  I can easily verify this in the

% root@test9:/usr/src # ls -l /usr/bin/ctfconvert /usr/bin/vi /usr/bin/tail 
% -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  371536 Dec  4 09:33 /usr/bin/ctfconvert
% -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   19848 Apr 17 06:28 /usr/bin/tail
% -r-xr-xr-x  6 root  wheel  346432 Apr 17 06:28 /usr/bin/vi

Do you have a theory about why you've got the problem while I haven't?
FYI, it seems 9.0-RELEASE also has ctfconvert(1):

My guess is tha this might happen if you don't have /usr/bin/ctfconvert.
I've just removed it and trying to build kernel again.

Jeremie Le Hen

Scientists say the world is made up of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons.
They forgot to mention Morons.
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