On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 3:36 PM, John Baldwin <j...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> On Thursday, May 24, 2018 04:30:06 AM Matt Macy wrote:
>> Author: mmacy
>> Date: Thu May 24 04:30:06 2018
>> New Revision: 334128
>> URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/334128
>> Log:
>>   libpmcstat: compile in events based on json description
> Please provide more detail for commits like this in the future.  Some 
> questions
> I have some of which probably should have been answered in the log:
> - Why does this matter?  For example, does this provide counters for a CPUs
>   we don't currently support counters on?
> - Does this supplant the existing tables of counters in hwpmc or is this
>   a different set of counters (or how do these counter tables interact with
>   our existing tables in general)?
> - What is the origin of these json files?  What is the license?  These seem to
>   come straight from the Linux kernel which should be acknowledged via
>   Obtained from: at the very least.  It does seem that the jevents source is
>   explicitly BSD licensed (2 clause).  This is noted in the git logs in the
>   Linux tree.  However, I couldn't find a clear statement on the json files
>   themselves and what their license is.  Are you aware of a license for those
>   or do they fall under the GPLv2 "default" license in /COPYING of the Linux
>   source tree?

At least the Intel ones come from Intel where everything is BSD
licensed. If the others are GPL I'll move it all to a port.
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