Author: brd
Date: Wed May  9 13:53:10 2018
New Revision: 333408

  Convert share/examples/Makefile over to using FILES and FILESDIR.
  The goal is to avoid using install directly so we can make changes the affect
  how the entire system is installed, without having to touch many places.
  This is part of the packaging base work.
  Reviewed by:  will
  Approved by:  bapt (mentor), allanjude (mentor)
  Differential Revision:


Modified: head/share/examples/Makefile
--- head/share/examples/Makefile        Wed May  9 13:44:54 2018        
+++ head/share/examples/Makefile        Wed May  9 13:53:10 2018        
@@ -7,12 +7,6 @@
 FILESDIR=      ${SHAREDIR}/examples
-.for _XFILE in ${XFILES}
-${_XFILE}DIR=  ${SHAREDIR}/examples/${_XFILE:H}
 LDIRS= BSD_daemon \
        FreeBSD_version \
        IPv6 \
@@ -40,236 +34,372 @@ LDIRS=    BSD_daemon \
        uefisign \
-XFILES=        BSD_daemon/FreeBSD.pfa \
-       BSD_daemon/README \
-       BSD_daemon/beastie.eps \
-       BSD_daemon/beastie.fig \
-       BSD_daemon/eps.patch \
-       BSD_daemon/ \
-       FreeBSD_version/FreeBSD_version.c \
-       FreeBSD_version/Makefile \
-       FreeBSD_version/README \
-       IPv6/USAGE \
-       bootforth/README \
-       bootforth/boot.4th \
-       bootforth/frames.4th \
-       bootforth/loader.rc \
-       bootforth/menu.4th \
-       bootforth/menuconf.4th \
-       bootforth/screen.4th \
-       csh/dot.cshrc \
-       diskless/ME \
-       diskless/README.BOOTP \
-       diskless/README.TEMPLATING \
-       diskless/clone_root \
-       drivers/README \
-       drivers/ \
-       drivers/ \
-       etc/README.examples \
-       etc/bsd-style-copyright \
-       etc/make.conf \
-       find_interface/Makefile \
-       find_interface/README \
-       find_interface/find_interface.c \
-       ibcs2/README \
-       ibcs2/hello.uu \
-       indent/ \
-       ipfw/ \
-       jails/README \
-       jails/VIMAGE \
-       jails/ \
-       jails/jib \
-       jails/jng \
-       jails/rc.conf.jails \
-       jails/ \
-       kld/Makefile \
-       kld/cdev/Makefile \
-       kld/cdev/README \
-       kld/cdev/module/Makefile \
-       kld/cdev/module/cdev.c \
-       kld/cdev/module/cdev.h \
-       kld/cdev/module/cdevmod.c \
-       kld/cdev/test/Makefile \
-       kld/cdev/test/testcdev.c \
-       kld/dyn_sysctl/Makefile \
-       kld/dyn_sysctl/README \
-       kld/dyn_sysctl/dyn_sysctl.c \
-       kld/firmware/Makefile \
-       kld/firmware/README \
-       kld/firmware/fwconsumer/Makefile \
-       kld/firmware/fwconsumer/fw_consumer.c \
-       kld/firmware/fwimage/Makefile \
-       kld/firmware/fwimage/firmware.img.uu \
-       kld/khelp/Makefile \
-       kld/khelp/README \
-       kld/khelp/h_example.c \
-       kld/syscall/Makefile \
-       kld/syscall/module/Makefile \
-       kld/syscall/module/syscall.c \
-       kld/syscall/test/Makefile \
-       kld/syscall/test/call.c \
-       libvgl/Makefile \
-       libvgl/demo.c \
-       mdoc/POSIX-copyright \
-       mdoc/ \
-       mdoc/example.1 \
-       mdoc/example.3 \
-       mdoc/example.4 \
-       mdoc/example.9 \
-       netgraph/ether.bridge \
-       netgraph/frame_relay \
-       netgraph/ngctl \
-       netgraph/raw \
-       netgraph/udp.tunnel \
-       netgraph/virtual.chain \
-       netgraph/virtual.lan \
-       perfmon/Makefile \
-       perfmon/README \
-       perfmon/perfmon.c \
-       ppi/Makefile \
-       ppi/ppilcd.c \
-       ppp/chap-auth \
-       ppp/login-auth \
-       ppp/ppp.conf.sample \
-       ppp/ppp.conf.span-isp \
-       ppp/ppp.conf.span-isp.working \
-       ppp/ppp.linkdown.sample \
-       ppp/ppp.linkdown.span-isp \
-       ppp/ppp.linkdown.span-isp.working \
-       ppp/ppp.linkup.sample \
-       ppp/ppp.linkup.span-isp \
-       ppp/ppp.linkup.span-isp.working \
-       ppp/ppp.secret.sample \
-       ppp/ppp.secret.span-isp \
-       ppp/ppp.secret.span-isp.working \
-       printing/diablo-if-net \
-       printing/hpdf \
-       printing/hpif \
-       printing/hpof \
-       printing/hprf \
-       printing/hpvf \
-       printing/if-simple \
-       printing/if-simpleX \
-       printing/ifhp \
-       printing/make-ps-header \
-       printing/netprint \
-       printing/psdf \
-       printing/psdfX \
-       printing/psif \
-       printing/pstf \
-       printing/pstfX \
-       ses/Makefile \
-       ses/ \
-       ses/getencstat/Makefile \
-       ses/getencstat/getencstat.0 \
-       ses/sesd/Makefile \
-       ses/sesd/sesd.0 \
-       ses/setencstat/Makefile \
-       ses/setencstat/setencstat.0 \
-       ses/setobjstat/Makefile \
-       ses/setobjstat/setobjstat.0 \
-       ses/srcs/chpmon.c \
-       ses/srcs/eltsub.c \
-       ses/srcs/eltsub.h \
-       ses/srcs/getencstat.c \
-       ses/srcs/getnobj.c \
-       ses/srcs/getobjmap.c \
-       ses/srcs/getobjstat.c \
-       ses/srcs/inienc.c \
-       ses/srcs/sesd.c \
-       ses/srcs/setencstat.c \
-       ses/srcs/setobjstat.c \
-       scsi_target/Makefile \
-       scsi_target/scsi_target.c \
-       scsi_target/scsi_target.h \
-       scsi_target/scsi_target.8 \
-       scsi_target/scsi_cmds.c \
-       sunrpc/Makefile \
-       sunrpc/dir/Makefile \
-       sunrpc/dir/dir.x \
-       sunrpc/dir/dir_proc.c \
-       sunrpc/dir/rls.c \
-       sunrpc/msg/Makefile \
-       sunrpc/msg/msg.x \
-       sunrpc/msg/msg_proc.c \
-       sunrpc/msg/printmsg.c \
-       sunrpc/msg/rprintmsg.c \
-       sunrpc/sort/Makefile \
-       sunrpc/sort/rsort.c \
-       sunrpc/sort/sort.x \
-       sunrpc/sort/sort_proc.c \
-       uefisign/uefikeys \
-       ypldap/ypldap.conf
-BINDIR= ${SHAREDIR}/examples
+SE_DIRS+=      BSD_daemon
+       FreeBSD.pfa \
+       README \
+       beastie.eps \
+       beastie.fig \
+       eps.patch \
+.if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "amd64"
+.if ${MK_BHYVE} != "no"
+LDIRS+=                bhyve
+SE_DIRS+=      bhyve
+PACKAGE_bhyve/        bhyve
+SE_DIRS+=      FreeBSD_version
+       FreeBSD_version.c \
+       Makefile \
+       README
+SE_DIRS+=      IPv6
+SE_IPV6=       USAGE
+SE_DIRS+=      bootforth
+       README \
+       boot.4th \
+       frames.4th \
+       loader.rc \
+       menu.4th \
+       menuconf.4th \
+       screen.4th
+SE_DIRS+=      csh
+SE_CSH=        dot.cshrc
+SE_DIRS+=      diskless
+       ME \
+       README.BOOTP \
+       clone_root
+SE_DIRS+=      drivers
+       README \
+ \
+SE_DIRS+=      etc
+SE_ETC= \
+       README.examples \
+       bsd-style-copyright \
+       make.conf
+SE_DIRS+=      find_interface
+       Makefile \
+       README \
+       find_interface.c
+SE_DIRS+=      ibcs2
+SE_IBCS2=      \
+       README \
+       hello.uu
+SE_DIRS+=      indent
+.if ${MK_IPFILTER} != "no"
+SUBDIR+=       ipfilter
+SE_DIRS+=      ipfw
+SE_DIRS+=      jails
+       README \
+       VIMAGE \
+ \
+       jib \
+       jng \
+       rc.conf.jails \
+SE_DIRS+=      kld
+SE_KLD=        Makefile
+SE_DIRS+=      kld/cdev
+       Makefile \
+       README \
+SE_DIRS+=      kld/cdev/module
+       Makefile \
+       cdev.c \
+       cdev.h \
+       cdevmod.c
+SE_DIRS+=      kld/cdev/test
+       Makefile \
+       testcdev.c
+SE_DIRS+=      kld/dyn_sysctl
+       Makefile \
+       README \
+       dyn_sysctl.c
+SE_DIRS+=      kld/firmware
+       Makefile \
+       README
+SE_DIRS+=      kld/firmware/fwconsumer
+       Makefile \
+       fw_consumer.c
+SE_DIRS+=      kld/firmware/fwimage
+       Makefile \
+       firmware.img.uu
+SE_DIRS+=      kld/khelp
+       Makefile \
+       README \
+       h_example.c
+SE_DIRS+=      kld/syscall
+SE_KLD_SYSCALL=        Makefile
+SE_DIRS+=      kld/syscall/module
+       Makefile \
+       syscall.c
+SE_DIRS+=      kld/syscall/test
+       Makefile \
+       call.c
+SE_DIRS+=      libvgl
+SE_LIBVGL=     \
+       Makefile \
+       demo.c
+SE_DIRS+=      mdoc
+       POSIX-copyright \
+ \
+       example.1 \
+       example.3 \
+       example.4 \
+       example.9
+SE_DIRS+=      netgraph
+       ether.bridge \
+       frame_relay \
+       ngctl \
+       raw \
+       udp.tunnel \
+       virtual.chain \
+       virtual.lan \
+SE_DIRS+=      perfmon
+       Makefile \
+       README \
+       perfmon.c \
+.if ${MK_PF} != "no"
+SE_DIRS+=      pf
+SE_PF= \
+       ackpri \
+       faq-example1 \
+       faq-example2 \
+       faq-example3 \
+       pf.conf \
+       queue1 \
+       queue2 \
+       queue3 \
+       queue4 \
+       spamd
+SE_DIRS+=      ppi
+SE_PPI= \
+       Makefile \
+       ppilcd.c
+SE_DIRS+=      ppp
+SE_PPP= \
+       chap-auth \
+       login-auth \
+       ppp.conf.sample \
+       ppp.conf.span-isp \
+       ppp.conf.span-isp.working \
+       ppp.linkdown.sample \
+       ppp.linkdown.span-isp \
+       ppp.linkdown.span-isp.working \
+       ppp.linkup.sample \
+       ppp.linkup.span-isp \
+       ppp.linkup.span-isp.working \
+       ppp.secret.sample \
+       ppp.secret.span-isp \
+       ppp.secret.span-isp.working
+SE_DIRS+=      printing
+       diablo-if-net \
+       hpdf \
+       hpif \
+       hpof \
+       hprf \
+       hpvf \
+       if-simple \
+       if-simpleX \
+       ifhp \
+       make-ps-header \
+       netprint \
+       psdf \
+       psdfX \
+       psif \
+       pstf \
+       pstfX
+SE_DIRS+=      ses
+SE_SES= \
+       Makefile \
+SE_DIRS+=      ses/getencstat
+       Makefile \
+       getencstat.0
+SE_DIRS+=      ses/sesd
+       Makefile \
+       sesd.0
+SE_DIRS+=      ses/setencstat
+       Makefile \
+       setencstat.0
+SE_DIRS+=      ses/setobjstat
+       Makefile \
+       setobjstat.0
+SE_DIRS+=      ses/srcs
+       chpmon.c \
+       eltsub.c \
+       eltsub.h \
+       getencstat.c \
+       getnobj.c \
+       getobjmap.c \
+       getobjstat.c \
+       inienc.c \
+       sesd.c \
+       setencstat.c \
+       setobjstat.c
+SE_DIRS+=      scsi_target
+       Makefile \
+       scsi_target.c \
+       scsi_target.h \
+       scsi_target.8 \
+       scsi_cmds.c
+SE_DIRS+=      sunrpc
+SE_SUNRPC=     Makefile
+SE_DIRS+=      sunrpc/dir
+       Makefile \
+       dir.x \
+       dir_proc.c \
+       rls.c
+SE_DIRS+=      sunrpc/msg
+       Makefile \
+       msg.x \
+       msg_proc.c \
+       printmsg.c \
+       rprintmsg.c
+SE_DIRS+=      sunrpc/sort
+       Makefile \
+       rsort.c \
+       sort.x \
+       sort_proc.c
+SE_DIRS+=      uefisign
+SE_UEFISIGN=   uefikeys
+SE_DIRS+=      ypldap
+SE_YPLDAP=     ypldap.conf
 .if ${MK_HAST} != "no"
 LDIRS+=                hast
-XFILES+=       hast/ \
-               hast/ \
-               hast/ \
-               hast/ \
-               hast/
+SE_DIRS+=      hast
+ \
+ \
+ \
 .if ${MK_USB} != "no"
 LDIRS+=                libusb20
-XFILES+=       libusb20/Makefile \
-               libusb20/README \
-               libusb20/util.c \
-               libusb20/util.h \
-               libusb20/bulk.c \
-               libusb20/control.c
+SE_DIRS+=      libusb20
+       Makefile \
+       README \
+       util.c \
+       util.h \
+       bulk.c \
+       control.c
-.if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "amd64"
-.if ${MK_BHYVE} != "no"
-LDIRS+=                bhyve
-XFILES+=       bhyve/
-PACKAGE_bhyve/        bhyve
-# Define SHARED to indicate whether you want symbolic links to the system
-# source (``symlinks''), or a separate copy (``copies''); (latter useful
-# in environments where it's not possible to keep /sys publicly readable)
-SHARED?=       copies
+# Setup the FILES_GROUPS for all DIRS variables above.
+# The variables are prefixed by 'SE_' to prevent variable collision in
+# other parts of the system
+.for d in ${SE_DIRS}
+.for f in ${SE_${d:tu:C/\//_/g}}
+SER_${d:tu:C/\//_/g}+= ${d}/${f}
+FILESGROUPS+=  SER_${d:tu:C/\//_/g}
+SER_${d:tu:C/\//_/g}DIR+=      ${SHAREDIR}/examples/${d}
-beforeinstall: ${SHARED} etc-examples
-META_TARGETS+= copies symlinks
-.ORDER: ${SHARED} etc-examples
+BINDIR= ${SHAREDIR}/examples
+beforeinstall: copies etc-examples
+META_TARGETS+= copies
+.ORDER: etc-examples
 .for i in ${LDIRS}
        if [ -L ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/$i ]; then \
                rm -f ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/$i; \
-.for file in ${XFILES}
-       ${INSTALL} -T package=${PACKAGE_${file}:Uexamples} -o ${SHAREOWN} -g 
-               ${.CURDIR}/${file} ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/${file}
-.for i in ${LDIRS}
-       rm -rf ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/$i
-       ${INSTALL} ${TAG_ARGS} -l s ${.CURDIR}/$i ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/$i
-.if ${SHARED} != "symlinks"
        ${_+_}(cd ${SRCTOP}/etc; ${MAKE} etc-examples)
-.if ${SHARED} != "symlinks"
-SUBDIR=        smbfs
-.if ${MK_IPFILTER} != "no"
-.if ${MK_PF} != "no"
+SUBDIR+=       smbfs
 SUBDIR.${MK_TESTS}+= tests
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