Author: ian
Date: Tue Jan 23 21:31:43 2018
New Revision: 328302

  Switch to using the bcd_clocktime conversion functions that validate the BCD
  data without panicking, and have common code for handling AM/PM mode.


Modified: head/sys/dev/iicbus/ds1307.c
--- head/sys/dev/iicbus/ds1307.c        Tue Jan 23 21:18:15 2018        
+++ head/sys/dev/iicbus/ds1307.c        Tue Jan 23 21:31:43 2018        
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ static int
 ds1307_gettime(device_t dev, struct timespec *ts)
        int error;
-       struct clocktime ct;
+       struct bcd_clocktime bct;
        struct ds1307_softc *sc;
        uint8_t data[7], hourmask, st_mask;
@@ -350,30 +350,24 @@ ds1307_gettime(device_t dev, struct timespec *ts)
        } else
                hourmask = DS1307_HOUR_MASK_24HR;
-       ct.nsec = 0;
-       ct.sec  = FROMBCD(data[DS1307_SECS]  & DS1307_SECS_MASK);
-       ct.min  = FROMBCD(data[DS1307_MINS]  & DS1307_MINS_MASK);
-       ct.hour = FROMBCD(data[DS1307_HOUR]  & hourmask);
-  = FROMBCD(data[DS1307_DATE]  & DS1307_DATE_MASK);
-       ct.mon  = FROMBCD(data[DS1307_MONTH] & DS1307_MONTH_MASK);
-       ct.year = FROMBCD(data[DS1307_YEAR]  & DS1307_YEAR_MASK);
+       bct.nsec = 0;
+       bct.ispm = (data[DS1307_HOUR] & DS1307_HOUR_IS_PM) != 0;
+       bct.sec  = data[DS1307_SECS]  & DS1307_SECS_MASK;
+       bct.min  = data[DS1307_MINS]  & DS1307_MINS_MASK;
+       bct.hour = data[DS1307_HOUR]  & hourmask;
+  = data[DS1307_DATE]  & DS1307_DATE_MASK;
+       bct.mon  = data[DS1307_MONTH] & DS1307_MONTH_MASK;
+       bct.year = data[DS1307_YEAR]  & DS1307_YEAR_MASK;
-       if (sc->sc_use_ampm) {
-               if (ct.hour == 12)
-                       ct.hour = 0;
-               if (data[DS1307_HOUR] & DS1307_HOUR_IS_PM)
-                       ct.hour += 12;
-       }
-       return (clock_ct_to_ts(&ct, ts));
+       return (clock_bcd_to_ts(&bct, ts, sc->sc_use_ampm));
 static int
 ds1307_settime(device_t dev, struct timespec *ts)
-       struct clocktime ct;
+       struct bcd_clocktime bct;
        struct ds1307_softc *sc;
-       int error;
+       int error, year;
        uint8_t data[7];
        uint8_t pmflags;
@@ -384,32 +378,28 @@ ds1307_settime(device_t dev, struct timespec *ts)
         * disables utc adjustment, so apply that ourselves.
        ts->tv_sec -= utc_offset();
-       clock_ts_to_ct(ts, &ct);
+       clock_ts_to_bcd(ts, &bct, sc->sc_use_ampm);
        /* If the chip is in AM/PM mode, adjust hour and set flags as needed. */
        if (sc->sc_use_ampm) {
                pmflags = DS1307_HOUR_USE_AMPM;
-               if (ct.hour >= 12) {
-                       ct.hour -= 12;
+               if (bct.ispm)
                        pmflags |= DS1307_HOUR_IS_PM;
-               }
-               if (ct.hour == 0)
-                       ct.hour = 12;
        } else
                pmflags = 0;
-       data[DS1307_SECS]    = TOBCD(ct.sec);
-       data[DS1307_MINS]    = TOBCD(ct.min);
-       data[DS1307_HOUR]    = TOBCD(ct.hour) | pmflags;
-       data[DS1307_DATE]    = TOBCD(;
-       data[DS1307_WEEKDAY] = ct.dow;
-       data[DS1307_MONTH]   = TOBCD(ct.mon);
-       data[DS1307_YEAR]    = TOBCD(ct.year % 100);
+       data[DS1307_SECS]    = bct.sec;
+       data[DS1307_MINS]    = bct.min;
+       data[DS1307_HOUR]    = bct.hour | pmflags;
+       data[DS1307_DATE]    =;
+       data[DS1307_WEEKDAY] = bct.dow;
+       data[DS1307_MONTH]   = bct.mon;
+       data[DS1307_YEAR]    = bct.year & 0xff;
        if (sc->sc_mcp7941x) {
                data[DS1307_SECS] |= MCP7941X_SECS_ST;
                data[DS1307_WEEKDAY] |= MCP7941X_WEEKDAY_VBATEN;
-               if ((ct.year % 4 == 0 && ct.year % 100 != 0) ||
-                   ct.year % 400 == 0)
+               year = bcd2bin(bct.year >> 8) * 100 + bcd2bin(bct.year & 0xff);
+               if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0)
                        data[DS1307_MONTH] |= MCP7941X_MONTH_LPYR;
        /* Write the time back to RTC. */
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