On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 03:20:49PM -0800, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
> On 01/15/18 09:53, Konstantin Belousov wrote:
> > On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 09:32:56AM -0800, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
> >> That seems fine to me. I don't think a less-clumsy way that does not
> >> involve extra indirection is possible. The PHYS_TO_DMAP() returning NULL
> >> is about the best thing I can come up with from a clumsiness standpoint
> >> since plenty of code checks for null pointers already, but doesn't
> >> cleanly handle the rarer case where you want to test for the existence
> >> of direct maps in general without testing some potemkin address.
> >>
> >> My one reservation about PMAP_HAS_DMAP or the like as a selector is that
> >> it does not encode the full shape of the problem: one could imagine
> >> having a direct map that only covers a limited range of RAM (I am not
> >> sure whether the existence of dmaplimit on amd64 implies this can happen
> >> with non-device memory in real life), for example. These cases are
> >> currently covered by an assert() in PHYS_TO_DMAP(), whereas having
> >> PHYS_TO_DMAP() return NULL allows a more flexible signalling and the
> >> potential for the calling code to do something reasonable to handle the
> >> error. A single global flag can't convey information at this kind of
> >> granularity. Is this a reasonable concern? Or am I overthinking things?
> > IMO it is overreaction.  amd64 assumes that all normal memory is covered
> > by DMAP.  It must never fail.   See, for instance, the implementation
> > of the sf bufs for it.
> >
> > If device memory not covered by DMAP can exists, it is the driver problem.
> > For instance, for NVDIMMs I wrote specific mapping code which establishes
> > kernel mapping for it, when not covered by EFI memory map and 
> > correspondingly
> > not included into DMAP.
> >
> Fair enough. Here's a patch with a new flag (DIRECT_MAP_AVAILABLE). I've 
> also retooled the sfbuf code to use this rather than its own flags that 
> mean the same things. The sparc64 part of the patch is untested.
> -Nathan
> Index: sparc64/include/vmparam.h
> ===================================================================
> --- sparc64/include/vmparam.h (revision 328006)
> +++ sparc64/include/vmparam.h (working copy)
> @@ -240,10 +240,12 @@
>   */
>  #define      ZERO_REGION_SIZE        PAGE_SIZE
> +#include <machine/tlb.h>
> +
>  #define      SFBUF
>  #define      SFBUF_MAP
> -#define      SFBUF_OPTIONAL_DIRECT_MAP       dcache_color_ignore
> -#include <machine/tlb.h>
> -#define      SFBUF_PHYS_DMAP(x)              TLB_PHYS_TO_DIRECT(x)
> +#define DIRECT_MAP_AVAILABLE dcache_color_ignore
> : 0)

What dcache_color_ignore actually indicates is the presence of
hardware unaliasing support, in other words the ability to enter
duplicate cacheable mappings into the MMU. While a direct map is
available and used by MD code on all supported CPUs down to US-I,
the former feature is only implemented in the line of Fujitsu SPARC64
processors. IIRC, the sfbuf(9) code can't guarantee that there isn't
already a cacheable mapping from a different VA to the same PA,
which is why it employs dcache_color_ignore. Is that a general
constraint of all MI PHYS_TO_DMAP users or are there consumers
which can guarantee that they are the only users of a mapping
to the same PA?

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