Author: kevans
Date: Mon Jan 15 22:24:11 2018
New Revision: 328032

  service(8): Add support for interfacing with services in jails
  Provide a -j option that can take a jail name or id. If -j is specified,
  check that the jail exists and proxy the service request through to
  service(8) in the jail.
  This allows for cleaner workflows when updating services in a jail, turning
  the following:
  pkg -j dns upgrade
  jexec dns service named restart
  pkg -j dns upgrade
  service -j dns named restart
  PR:           223325
  Submitted by: David O'Rourke (with slight changes)
  MFC after:    2 weeks


Modified: head/usr.sbin/service/service.8
--- head/usr.sbin/service/service.8     Mon Jan 15 22:17:39 2018        
+++ head/usr.sbin/service/service.8     Mon Jan 15 22:24:11 2018        
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 .\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd December 11, 2012
+.Dd January 15, 2018
@@ -32,13 +32,17 @@
 .Nd "control (start/stop/etc.) or list system services"
+.Op Fl j Ao jail name or id Ac
 .Fl e
+.Op Fl j Ao jail name or id Ac
 .Fl R
+.Op Fl j Ao jail name or id Ac
 .Op Fl v
 .Fl l | r
+.Op Fl j Ao jail name or id Ac
 .Op Fl v
 .Ar <rc.d script> start|stop|etc.
@@ -54,6 +58,8 @@ the scripts using various criteria.
 The options are as follows:
 .Bl -tag -width F1
+.It Fl j Ao jail name or id Ac
+Perform the given actions under the named jail.
 .It Fl e
 List services that are enabled.
 The list of scripts to check is compiled using
@@ -107,6 +113,7 @@ The following are examples of typical usage of the
 .Dl "service named status"
+.Dl "service -j dns named status"
 .Dl "service -rv"
 The following programmable completion entry can be use in

Modified: head/usr.sbin/service/
--- head/usr.sbin/service/    Mon Jan 15 22:17:39 2018        
+++ head/usr.sbin/service/    Mon Jan 15 22:24:11 2018        
@@ -34,12 +34,13 @@ load_rc_config 'XXX'
 usage () {
        echo ''
        echo 'Usage:'
-       echo "${0##*/} -e"
-       echo "${0##*/} -R"
-       echo "${0##*/} [-v] -l | -r"
-       echo "${0##*/} [-v] <rc.d script> start|stop|etc."
+       echo "${0##*/} [-j <jail name or id>] -e"
+       echo "${0##*/} [-j <jail name or id>] -R"
+       echo "${0##*/} [-j <jail name or id>] [-v] -l | -r"
+       echo "${0##*/} [-j <jail name or id>] [-v] <rc.d script> 
        echo "${0##*/} -h"
        echo ''
+       echo "-j        Perform actions within the named jail"
        echo '-e        Show services that are enabled'
        echo "-R        Stop and start enabled $local_startup services"
        echo "-l        List all scripts in /etc/rc.d and $local_startup"
@@ -48,7 +49,37 @@ usage () {
        echo ''
-while getopts 'ehlrRv' COMMAND_LINE_ARGUMENT ; do
+# Only deal with the -j option here. If found, JAIL is set and the opt and
+# arg are shifted out. OPTIND is left untouched. We strip the -j option out
+# here because we'll be proxying this invocation through to the jail via
+# jls(8) instead of handling it ourselves.
+while getopts ${accepted_argstr} COMMAND_LINE_ARGUMENT ; do
+       case "${COMMAND_LINE_ARGUMENT}" in
+       j)      JAIL="$2" ; shift ; shift ;;
+       esac
+# If -j was provided, then we pass everthing along to the jexec command
+# and execute `service` within the named JAIL. Provided that the jail
+# actually exists, as checked by `jls`.
+# We do this so that if the jail does exist, we can then return the exit
+# code of `jexec` and it should be the exit code of whatever ran in the jail.
+# There is a race condition here in that the jail might exist at `jls` time
+# and be gone by `jexec` time, but it shouldn't be a big deal.
+if [ -n "$JAIL" ]; then
+       /usr/sbin/jls -j "$JAIL" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
+       if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+               echo "Jail '$JAIL' does not exist."
+               exit 1
+       fi
+       /usr/sbin/jexec -l "$JAIL" /usr/sbin/service $*
+       exit $?
+while getopts ${accepted_argstr} COMMAND_LINE_ARGUMENT ; do
        case "${COMMAND_LINE_ARGUMENT}" in
        e)      ENABLED=eopt ;;
        h)      usage ; exit 0 ;;
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