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> Hello;
> On 08/01/2018 15:27, Conrad Meyer wrote:
> > I'm (again, atypically) with rgrimes here.  Revert has a specific
> > meaning and shouldn't be used like this.  Making a commit with the
> > subject "Revert rXXX" that does more than just "svn revert rXXX" makes
> > life harder for developers looking at code history after you.  Making
> > two separate commits for two different changes (revert, then add the
> > annotation) is not burdensome.
> >
> > Best,
> > Conrad
> Yeah, I understand where that comes from and I will take it into account 
> for future commits, but I think it should be *documented* and not assume 
> that everybody?s

I agree, we should have a section in the commiters guide on
doing reverts.  We should also have one on how to merge code
to other branches and how to format commit messages for merged
code.  Most of these things should be taught during mentorship,
perhaps even a check list for mentor/mentee to make sure they
have done most, if not all, of some specific set of things
before they are releaesed.

I would also like to see a standardize of the revert log format
by adding a Revert: line to the template so that it is there in
a very standard form that this reverts revision rXXXXXX

> thinks that is the way version control is supposed to be 
> used.

My background taught me that this is how document control
should be used.  Vcs is just an automated form of document control.  

We should also try to do more seperatation of style changes vs
functional changes.   It just makes things easier to both review
and understand.

Same with a function add done with a refactor of code, mixing the
two in one commit, even in one differential review, makes it harder
to understand what is just simply a refactor, and what is the new

Nothing wrong with making 3 commits in a row to the same area,
style, refactor, functional change.  This makes it very easy
to analyze the changes and IMHO could reduce the rate of breakage.

I believe phabricator has the tooling to stack these as well?
Dependent diffs or some such thing?

> Pedro.
> > On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 12:18 PM, Pedro Giffuni <p...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> >> On 08/01/2018 11:09, Rodney W. Grimes wrote:
> >>>> Author: pfg
> >>>> Date: Mon Jan  8 15:54:29 2018
> >>>> New Revision: 327699
> >>>> URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/327699
> >>>>
> >>>> Log:
> >>>>     Revert r327697:
> >>>>     malloc(9): drop the __result_use_check attribute for the kernel
> >>>> allocator.
> >>>>        My bad: __result_use_check just checks the for the general and we
> >>>> always
> >>>>     want to make sure allocated memory is used, not only checked for
> >>>> nullness.
> >>>>        Add it to reallocf since that was missing.
> >>> Please try not to combine a revert with an add, it makes it messy
> >>> to try and figure out things in the future when only the svn log
> >>> is being used to analyze stuff as digging in mail archives becomes
> >>> painful.
> >>>
> >>> Revert, then commit the add standalone, is the better sequence in
> >>> this type of situation.
> >>
> >> Not that any of this is defined in our committers guide but IMHO "svn
> >> revert" is just a tool, pretty much as "svn move" and "svn copy". The idea
> >> is to make a committers' life easier: making two commits for such a simple
> >> change is not "easier".
> >>
> >> In this case the change is rather consistent: I added __result_use_check to
> >> the three functions that needed it.
> >> The commit log is not only clear on why the revert happened but also
> >> explains the additional one line change.
> >>
> >> When I MFC it, I will merge both changes for repository consistency but the
> >> log will basically mention that I am adding __result_use_check to
> >> reallocf().
> >>
> >>
> >> Pedro.
> >>
> >>>> Modified:
> >>>>     head/sys/sys/malloc.h
> >>>>
> >>>> Modified: head/sys/sys/malloc.h
> >>>>
> >>>> ==============================================================================
> >>>> --- head/sys/sys/malloc.h       Mon Jan  8 15:41:49 2018        (r327698)
> >>>> +++ head/sys/sys/malloc.h       Mon Jan  8 15:54:29 2018        (r327699)
> >>>> @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ void        *contigmalloc(unsigned long size, struct
> >>>> malloc_t
> >>>>              __alloc_size(1) __alloc_align(6);
> >>>>    void  free(void *addr, struct malloc_type *type);
> >>>>    void  *malloc(unsigned long size, struct malloc_type *type, int flags)
> >>>> -           __malloc_like __alloc_size(1);
> >>>> +           __malloc_like __result_use_check __alloc_size(1);
> >>>>    void  *mallocarray(size_t nmemb, size_t size, struct malloc_type 
> >>>> *type,
> >>>>              int flags) __malloc_like __result_use_check
> >>>>              __alloc_size(1) __alloc_size(2);
> >>>> @@ -187,9 +187,9 @@ void        malloc_type_freed(struct malloc_type
> >>>> *type, unsig
> >>>>    void  malloc_type_list(malloc_type_list_func_t *, void *);
> >>>>    void  malloc_uninit(void *);
> >>>>    void  *realloc(void *addr, unsigned long size, struct malloc_type
> >>>> *type,
> >>>> -           int flags) __alloc_size(2);
> >>>> +           int flags) __result_use_check __alloc_size(2);
> >>>>    void  *reallocf(void *addr, unsigned long size, struct malloc_type
> >>>> *type,
> >>>> -           int flags) __alloc_size(2);
> >>>> +           int flags) __result_use_check __alloc_size(2);
> >>>>      struct malloc_type *malloc_desc2type(const char *desc);
> >>>>    #endif /* _KERNEL */
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >> Pedro.
> >>

Rod Grimes                                                 rgri...@freebsd.org
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