On 14.12.2017 18:34, Eugene Grosbein wrote:
> On 13.12.2017 04:55, John Baldwin wrote:
>> On 12/12/17 3:09 PM, Eugene Grosbein wrote:
>>> On 13.12.2017 02:32, John Baldwin wrote:
>>>> Certainly for MIPS I have found that compiling with clang
>>>> instead of gcc for mips64 gives a kernel that panics for stack overflow 
>>>> for any
>>>> use of NFS.  It might be that this is due to something MIPS-specific, but 
>>>> it
>>>> might be worthwhile retesting with kstack_pages=2 and building the kernel
>>>> with CROSS_TOOLCHAIN=i386-gcc after installing the appropriate package.
>>> You may want to check NFS code that uses stack heavily.
>>> Here are numbers for i386 (bytes-on-stack, module, what function):
>>> 1344 nfs_nfsdport.o <nfssvc_nfsd>:
>>> 1152 nfs_nfsdserv.o <nfsrvd_lockt>:
>>> 1128 nfs_nfsdserv.o <nfsrvd_lock>:
>>> 952 nfs_nfsdserv.o <nfsrvd_rename>:
>>> 664 nfs_nfsdserv.o <nfsrvd_open>:
>>> 640 nfs_nfsdserv.o <nfsrvd_link>:
>>> 624 nfs_nfsdserv.o <nfsrvd_create>:
>>> 608 nfs_nfsdserv.o <nfsrvd_mknod>:
>>> 600 nfs_clvfsops.o <nfs_mount>:
>> My point is that you should compare gcc with clang as 10.x switched to
>> clang and that may be a factor in the stack overflows beginning with 10.x.
> I think thats's NFS code who is guilty. You can see example of amd64 (sic!) 
> kstack exhaustion
> due to 40+ frames deep call chain here:
> https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-stable/2017-July/087429.html

Final post in the thread describes amd64 crash with kstack_pages=5 due to 75 

He increased kstack_pages upto 6 and stopped posting, as it obviously helped 
him finally.

By the way, I finally realised why I do not have KVA problems with my i386 
I run all of them (no PAE) with options KVA_PAGES=512 (2GB) at least
and even 768 (3GB) in case of ZFS instead of default 256 (1GB) to make it 

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