On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 11:21:06PM +0700, Eugene Grosbein wrote:
> 11.12.2017 22:08, Konstantin Belousov пишет:
> > Plain workstation use, like X11+browser+editor+some other programs easily
> > allocates 1000+ threads.  It was still possible to use 32bit x86 for that,
> > of course in max memory config without PAE, and without ZFS.  Add some
> > load that involves network, for instance torrent client, to establish the
> > pressure on KVA.
> > 
> > I am almost sure that users would get troubles now.
> Understood. While I'm sure that modern internet browsers make it
> uncomfortable to browse with less than 4G total RAM (e.g. 2GB) available
> for the system thus requiring amd64,

Browsing just fine on 2G RAM with Firefox, both under GNU/Linux and FreeBSD.
Where does this "uncomfortable to browse with less than 4G total RAM" false
narrative come from? :-/

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