On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 09:32:34AM -0600, Alan Somers wrote:
> This change defeats the anticongestion mechanism.  If
> daily_ntpd_leapfile_background is set and 480.leapfile-ntpd runs
> before any other periodic script that uses anticongestion (like
> /usr/local/etc/periodic/security/410.pkg-audit), then the
> anticongestion mechanism will effectively be disabled for those later
> scripts.
> It's worth asking why you would want to do this in the background
> anyway.  Does the submitter complain that it was too slow?  The entire
> point of anticongestion is to slow it down.  If the submitter didn't
> like that, he could've set anticongestion_sleeptime=0 to disable it
> entirely.  Or was the problem that the "service ntpd onefetch" is too
> slow, even after the anticongestion timer ran?  I doubt it, but if so
> then you should background just that part instead of backgrounding
> anticongestion too.

Good questions, thank you Alan.  The commit message should have included
answers to them, by the way (* insert usual rant about quality of commit
logs here *).

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