> On May 31, 2017, at 11:06 PM, Ngie Cooper (yaneurabeya) 
> <yaneurab...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On May 31, 2017, at 10:03 PM, Brooks Davis <bro...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 08:01:12AM +0000, Ngie Cooper wrote:
>>> Author: ngie
>>> Date: Wed May 31 08:01:12 2017
>>> New Revision: 319295
>>> URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/319295
>>> Log:
>>> Update the usr.bin/mkimg golden test output files after ^/head@r319125
>>> ^/head@r319125 changed the location of the backup pmbr, requiring the
>>> output files to be regenerated, since they're binary disk dumps.
>>> The output files were regenerated with "make rebase"--fixed in
>>> ^/head@r319294.
>> These should not be stored uuencoded.  It serves no purpose other
>> than bloating the repo and causing spammy commit mails like this one
>> where we got a huge tail of garbage output.
> Hi Brooks,
>       I’m not entirely sure why the files were uuencoded to be honest. I 
> think that’s a good question for Marcel and some of the folks at Juniper, 
> since they wrote the tool/tests.

Result files used to start off as binary files.  uuencoding is a given in that 
case.  I eventually switched to using hexdump -C, because that makes it easier 
to analyze and understand differences.  The uuencoding was kept to remain 
independent of version control system, file attributes and end-of-line 
characteristics of the host machine: nothing more annoying that checking out 
textual result files and have test failures because ‘\n’ was replaced by ‘\r\n’.

Even if the files aren’t unencoded, there’s always someone who treats it as 
spammy and a tail of garbage. It’s just a knee-jerk reaction to seeing 
something that isn’t understood, I think. As such, there’s no reason to change 
— in fact, changing would be bloating the repo.

Marcel Moolenaar

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