On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 02:11:53PM -0600, Ian Lepore wrote:
> ...
> In general a lot of this feels like "I only needed 6 big config files
> to control my whole system in 1988, and so I should only need those
> same 6 files now."

Yup; doesn't it feel good?  (That's one of our selling points BTW.)

> Sure, all us old-timers have the finger memory for editing rc.conf and
> syslog.conf and so on, but how often do you crack open syslog.conf with
> the plan of editing 12 different lines in it at once?

Actually I don't want to open it [newsyslog.conf] at all, and on desktop,
where odd things are noticed quickly, default rotation is good enough.
I might want to edit it on server to e.g. keep at least one year worth of
logs, and when I do, I'd rather edit one file instead of half-dozen.

> Because the main objection to .conf.d directories seems to be that
> there are more files to edit, and that just doesn't feel like a big
> problem in actual daily use.

Well, it kind of is.  Keeping in mind "same 6 files" is a big helper;
for the base you can be sure you won't forget anything accidentally.
It is not that easy for ports for obvious reasons, but then again: we
are talking about the base only here.

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