Author: mav
Date: Sat Mar 18 10:34:29 2017
New Revision: 315478

  Do some notify acks cleanup.
  ISPASYNC_TARGET_NOTIFY_ACK makes no sense without argument.
  MFC after:    2 weeks


Modified: head/sys/dev/isp/isp_freebsd.c
--- head/sys/dev/isp/isp_freebsd.c      Sat Mar 18 07:01:18 2017        
+++ head/sys/dev/isp/isp_freebsd.c      Sat Mar 18 10:34:29 2017        
@@ -2701,7 +2701,7 @@ isp_handle_platform_target_tmf(ispsoftc_
        xpt_done((union ccb *)inot);
-       if (notify->nt_need_ack && notify->nt_lreserved) {
+       if (notify->nt_need_ack) {
                if (((isphdr_t *)notify->nt_lreserved)->rqs_entry_type == 
                        if (isp_acknak_abts(isp, notify->nt_lreserved, ENOMEM)) 
                                isp_prt(isp, ISP_LOGWARN, "you lose- unable to 
send an ACKNAK");
@@ -3215,7 +3215,10 @@ isp_abort_inot(ispsoftc_t *isp, union cc
        /* Search for the INOT among running. */
        ntp = isp_find_ntpd(isp, XS_CHANNEL(accb), accb->cin1.tag_id, 
        if (ntp != NULL) {
-               isp_async(isp, ISPASYNC_TARGET_NOTIFY_ACK, ntp->data);
+               if (ntp->nt.nt_need_ack) {
+                       isp_async(isp, ISPASYNC_TARGET_NOTIFY_ACK,
+                           ntp->nt.nt_lreserved);
+               }
                isp_put_ntpd(isp, XS_CHANNEL(accb), ntp);
                ccb->ccb_h.status = CAM_REQ_CMP;
        } else {
@@ -4143,12 +4146,8 @@ changed:
                        isp_tna_t *tp = malloc(sizeof (*tp), M_DEVBUF, 
                        if (tp) {
                                tp->isp = isp;
-                               if (inot) {
-                                       memcpy(tp->data, inot, sizeof 
-                                       tp->not = tp->data;
-                               } else {
-                                       tp->not = NULL;
-                               }
+                               memcpy(tp->data, inot, sizeof (tp->data));
+                               tp->not = tp->data;
                                callout_init_mtx(&tp->timer, &isp->isp_lock, 0);
                                callout_reset(&tp->timer, 5,
                                    isp_refire_notify_ack, tp);

Modified: head/sys/dev/isp/isp_target.c
--- head/sys/dev/isp/isp_target.c       Sat Mar 18 07:01:18 2017        
+++ head/sys/dev/isp/isp_target.c       Sat Mar 18 10:34:29 2017        
@@ -689,9 +689,6 @@ isp_target_async(ispsoftc_t *isp, int bu
                isp_prt(isp, ISP_LOGERR, "%s: unknown event 0x%x", __func__, 
-               if (isp->isp_state == ISP_RUNSTATE) {
-                       isp_async(isp, ISPASYNC_TARGET_NOTIFY_ACK, NULL);
-               }
@@ -838,7 +835,7 @@ isp_notify_ack(ispsoftc_t *isp, void *ar
         * This is in case a Task Management Function ends up here.
-       if (IS_24XX(isp) && arg != NULL && (((isphdr_t *)arg)->rqs_entry_type 
+       if (IS_24XX(isp) && ((isphdr_t *)arg)->rqs_entry_type == RQSTYPE_ATIO) {
                at7_entry_t *aep = arg;
                return (isp_endcmd(isp, aep, NIL_HANDLE, 0, 0, 0));
@@ -852,70 +849,68 @@ isp_notify_ack(ispsoftc_t *isp, void *ar
        ISP_MEMZERO(storage, QENTRY_LEN);
        if (IS_24XX(isp)) {
+               in_fcentry_24xx_t *in = arg;
                na_fcentry_24xx_t *na = (na_fcentry_24xx_t *) storage;
                na->na_header.rqs_entry_type = RQSTYPE_NOTIFY_ACK;
                na->na_header.rqs_entry_count = 1;
-               if (arg) {
-                       in_fcentry_24xx_t *in = arg;
-                       na->na_nphdl = in->in_nphdl;
-                       na->na_flags = in->in_flags;
-                       na->na_status = in->in_status;
-                       na->na_status_subcode = in->in_status_subcode;
-                       na->na_fwhandle = in->in_fwhandle;
-                       na->na_rxid = in->in_rxid;
-                       na->na_oxid = in->in_oxid;
-                       na->na_vpidx = in->in_vpidx;
-                       if (in->in_status == IN24XX_SRR_RCVD) {
-                               na->na_srr_rxid = in->in_srr_rxid;
-                               na->na_srr_reloff_hi = in->in_srr_reloff_hi;
-                               na->na_srr_reloff_lo = in->in_srr_reloff_lo;
-                               na->na_srr_iu = in->in_srr_iu;
-                               /*
-                                * Whether we're accepting the SRR or rejecting
-                                * it is determined by looking at the 
-                                * field in the original notify structure.
-                                */
-                               if (in->in_reserved) {
-                                       na->na_srr_flags = 1;
-                                       na->na_srr_reject_vunique = 0;
-                                       na->na_srr_reject_code = 9;             
/* unable to perform this command at this time */
-                                       na->na_srr_reject_explanation = 0x2a;   
/* unable to supply the requested data */
-                               }
+               na->na_nphdl = in->in_nphdl;
+               na->na_flags = in->in_flags;
+               na->na_status = in->in_status;
+               na->na_status_subcode = in->in_status_subcode;
+               na->na_fwhandle = in->in_fwhandle;
+               na->na_rxid = in->in_rxid;
+               na->na_oxid = in->in_oxid;
+               na->na_vpidx = in->in_vpidx;
+               if (in->in_status == IN24XX_SRR_RCVD) {
+                       na->na_srr_rxid = in->in_srr_rxid;
+                       na->na_srr_reloff_hi = in->in_srr_reloff_hi;
+                       na->na_srr_reloff_lo = in->in_srr_reloff_lo;
+                       na->na_srr_iu = in->in_srr_iu;
+                       /*
+                        * Whether we're accepting the SRR or rejecting
+                        * it is determined by looking at the in_reserved
+                        * field in the original notify structure.
+                        */
+                       if (in->in_reserved) {
+                               na->na_srr_flags = 1;
+                               na->na_srr_reject_vunique = 0;
+                               /* Unable to perform this command at this time. 
+                               na->na_srr_reject_code = 9;
+                               /* Unable to supply the requested data. */
+                               na->na_srr_reject_explanation = 0x2a;
                isp_put_notify_24xx_ack(isp, na, (na_fcentry_24xx_t *)outp);
        } else {
+               in_fcentry_t *in = arg;
                na_fcentry_t *na = (na_fcentry_t *) storage;
-               int iid = 0;
+               int iid;
-               if (arg) {
-                       in_fcentry_t *inp = arg;
-                       ISP_MEMCPY(storage, arg, sizeof (isphdr_t));
-                       if (ISP_CAP_2KLOGIN(isp)) {
-                               ((na_fcentry_e_t *)na)->na_iid = 
((in_fcentry_e_t *)inp)->in_iid;
-                               iid = ((na_fcentry_e_t *)na)->na_iid;
-                       } else {
-                               na->na_iid = inp->in_iid;
-                               iid = na->na_iid;
-                       }
-                       na->na_task_flags = inp->in_task_flags & 
-                       na->na_seqid = inp->in_seqid;
-                       na->na_status = inp->in_status;
-                       na->na_flags = NAFC_RCOUNT;
-                       if (inp->in_status == IN_RESET) {
-                               na->na_flags = NAFC_RST_CLRD;   /* We do not 
modify resource counts for LIP resets */
-                       }
-                       if (inp->in_status == IN_MSG_RECEIVED) {
-                               na->na_flags |= NAFC_TVALID;
-                               na->na_response = 0;    /* XXX SUCCEEDED XXX */
-                       }
+               ISP_MEMCPY(storage, arg, sizeof (isphdr_t));
+               if (ISP_CAP_2KLOGIN(isp)) {
+                       iid = ((in_fcentry_e_t *)in)->in_iid;
+                       ((na_fcentry_e_t *)na)->na_iid = iid;
                } else {
+                       iid = in->in_iid;
+                       na->na_iid = iid;
+               }
+               na->na_task_flags = in->in_task_flags & 
+               na->na_seqid = in->in_seqid;
+               na->na_status = in->in_status;
+               na->na_flags = NAFC_RCOUNT;
+               /* We do not modify resource counts for LIP resets */
+               if (in->in_status == IN_RESET)
                        na->na_flags = NAFC_RST_CLRD;
+               if (in->in_status == IN_MSG_RECEIVED) {
+                       na->na_flags |= NAFC_TVALID;
+                       na->na_response = 0;    /* XXX SUCCEEDED XXX */
                na->na_header.rqs_entry_type = RQSTYPE_NOTIFY_ACK;
                na->na_header.rqs_entry_count = 1;
                if (ISP_CAP_2KLOGIN(isp)) {
-                       isp_put_notify_ack_fc_e(isp, (na_fcentry_e_t *) na, 
(na_fcentry_e_t *)outp);
+                       isp_put_notify_ack_fc_e(isp, (na_fcentry_e_t *)na,
+                           (na_fcentry_e_t *)outp);
                } else {
                        isp_put_notify_ack_fc(isp, na, (na_fcentry_t *)outp);
@@ -1415,27 +1410,28 @@ isp_handle_24xx_inotify(ispsoftc_t *isp,
                hichan = chan + 1;
        isp_prt(isp, ISP_LOGTDEBUG1, "%s: Immediate Notify Channels %d..%d 
status=0x%x seqid=0x%x", __func__, lochan, hichan-1, inot_24xx->in_status, 
-       for (chan = lochan; chan < hichan; chan++) {
-               if (FCPARAM(isp, chan)->role == ISP_ROLE_NONE)
-                       continue;
-               switch (inot_24xx->in_status) {
-               case IN24XX_LIP_RESET:
-               case IN24XX_LINK_RESET:
-               case IN24XX_PORT_LOGOUT:
-               case IN24XX_PORT_CHANGED:
-               case IN24XX_LINK_FAILED:
-               case IN24XX_SRR_RCVD:
-               case IN24XX_ELS_RCVD:
-                       inot_24xx->in_reserved = 0;     /* clear this for later 
usage */
+       switch (inot_24xx->in_status) {
+       case IN24XX_LIP_RESET:
+       case IN24XX_LINK_RESET:
+       case IN24XX_PORT_LOGOUT:
+       case IN24XX_PORT_CHANGED:
+       case IN24XX_LINK_FAILED:
+       case IN24XX_SRR_RCVD:
+       case IN24XX_ELS_RCVD:
+               for (chan = lochan; chan < hichan; chan++) {
+                       if (FCPARAM(isp, chan)->role == ISP_ROLE_NONE)
+                               continue;
+                       inot_24xx->in_reserved = 0; /* clear this for later 
usage */
                        inot_24xx->in_vpidx = chan;
                        isp_async(isp, ISPASYNC_TARGET_ACTION, inot_24xx);
-                       break;
-               default:
-                       isp_prt(isp, ISP_LOGINFO, "%s: unhandled status (0x%x) 
for chan %d", __func__, inot_24xx->in_status, chan);
-                       isp_async(isp, ISPASYNC_TARGET_NOTIFY_ACK, inot_24xx);
-                       break;
+               inot_24xx->in_vpidx = ochan;
+               break;
+       default:
+               isp_prt(isp, ISP_LOGINFO, "%s: unhandled status (0x%x) for chan 
+                   __func__, inot_24xx->in_status, chan);
+               isp_async(isp, ISPASYNC_TARGET_NOTIFY_ACK, inot_24xx);
+               break;
-       inot_24xx->in_vpidx = ochan;
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