Hi Conrad,

2017-03-05 0:08 GMT+01:00 Conrad Meyer <c...@freebsd.org>:
>> - If something is a TTY, then our implementation of the TTY layer
>> guarantees that TIOCGWINSZ always works.
> Do you know if it did in 1990 too?  It's hard to tell why Marc@ made
> this change way back then.  I wasn't sure so I left it alone.

I can't tell. :-)

>> - If we're only interested in testing stdout whether it's a TTY, I
>> think it makes little sense to check TIOCGWINSZ on stdin, stderr.
>> I think there would therefore be very little harm to use something like this:
>> |         if ((cols = getenv("COLUMNS")) != NULL && *cols != '\0')
>> |                 termwidth = atoi(cols);
>> |         else if ((ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, (char *)&ws) ==
>> -1 && ws.ws_row == 0)
> Shouldn't this remain || ws.ws_row == 0?

Err, yes. ||, not &&.

Ed Schouten <e...@nuxi.nl>
Nuxi, 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands
KvK-nr.: 62051717
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