On 06.06.2016 20:00, Ian Lepore wrote:
> Probably everyone assumed (like I did) that it would be disabled by
> default, and didn't notice that wasn't the case.  Your response
> indicates the problem with "default enabled"... you mention enabling
> packet filtering in pf.conf, my response is:  WTF is pf.conf and why
> are you assuming I do any kind of packet filtering?
> I have literally dozens of systems here running freebsd, only one of
> them runs ipfw, and most of them are systems with small memory and
> wimpy processors, so why would I want extra do-nothing network daemons
> running on them by default?

As variant, I keep hope blacklist sh helper will teach about ipfw soon,
it looks possible. Then it can be re-enabled by default.

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