On 22 Jan 2016, at 2:13, Lawrence Stewart wrote:

Hi Gleb,

On 01/22/16 09:34, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
Author: glebius
Date: Thu Jan 21 22:34:51 2016
New Revision: 294535
URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/294535

- Rename cc.h to more meaningful tcp_cc.h.

As a bit of historical context, the naming was intentionally protocol
agnostic because it was originally hoped that the CC framework could be shared between multiple CC aware transports, and the design went to some lengths to accommodate that possibility (e.g. the ccv_container union in
struct cc_var). SCTP was the obvious potential in tree consumer at the
time, and other protocols like DCCP were considered as well.

This hasn't come about to date, but I'm not sure what value is obtained from your rename change unless we decide to completely give up on shared
CC and if we do that, this change doesn't go far enough and we can
further simplify the framework to make it entirely TCP specific e.g. we
should probably do away with struct cc_var.

I'd argue in favour of reverting the rename and if you're gung ho about
making the framework TCP specific, we can start a public discussion
about what that should look like.

I actually was wondering about this as well. I think it ought to be reverted to agnostic.

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