
To paraphrase what I said privately to the various dramatis personae in January:

Changes like this need to be reviewed before they go in. As timing is central to the entire OS, change review has to be meticulous, on par with the virtual memory management. We have a VM tsar; we do not have a timing tsar.

On 19/09/15 18:39, Ian Lepore wrote:
I'm afraid this message can be interpetted as "reviews are now mandatory
for a 'core component of the system' (whatever that means)".  If so,
this would be a Big Change from the last thing I heard about code
reviews, which was basically: as much as some people would like it to be
so, they are not mandatory.
a definition as meaningless and vague as[.]

I don't believe for one moment that George is advocating for mandatory reviews. But common sense should apply, _as timing is central to the entire OS_. It touches absolutely everything.

Hell, I wouldn't feel comfortable checking anything in to e.g. timecounters without at least running it by phk first.

So, +1 from me for backout until the change can be reviewed.

But to be fair to all involved, perhaps Hans should set out a timeline for how he wants to proceed, subject to the jitter inherent to an all-volunteer project.

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