On 03/30/15 14:51, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:

Gleb: Can you answer my question first:

Should the 16-bit IP ID field carry any useful information or not?

On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 02:38:12PM +0200, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
H> > DELAY() into network stack? Are you serious now or kidding me?
H> If there should be any useful meaning in the 16-bit IP ID field, the
H> value can't be allowed to wrap several times in a millisecond. Given the
H> context from where the network code is running, msleep() is not an
H> option. A _conditional_ DELAY() of 1-2 us, is maybe all we need to
H> prevent the value from wrapping too quickly. It is not perfect and it is
H> indeed consuming more CPU.

Let me ask again: are you serious? Do you suggest to delay transmitting
network packets with a DELAY()?

H> Or maybe we can add an IPv4 option to escape a 32-bit IP ID field and
H> don't use the 16-bit IP ID field.

Is that also serious? Do you suggest to change layout of IP packet?

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