On Sun, 29 Mar 2015, Konstantin Belousov wrote:

Interesting complication with the devfs timestamp update is that
devfs_read_f() and devfs_write_f() do not lock the vnode. So whatever
update method is used, stat(2) on devfs might return inconsistent value,
since tv_src/tv_nsec cannot be updated or read by single op, without


That said, we could either:
- ignore the race.  Then the patch below might be good enough.
- Trim the precision of futimens() for devfs to always set tv_nsec to 0.
 Then, the race can be handled satisfactory with atomics.
- Add a lock (IMO this does not make sense).

Locks aren't that expensive, and are easier to use than atomics.

diff --git a/sys/fs/devfs/devfs_vnops.c b/sys/fs/devfs/devfs_vnops.c
index 941f92c..e199d52 100644
--- a/sys/fs/devfs/devfs_vnops.c
+++ b/sys/fs/devfs/devfs_vnops.c
@@ -83,8 +83,24 @@ MTX_SYSINIT(cdevpriv_mtx, &cdevpriv_mtx, "cdevpriv lock", 

static int devfs_dotimes;
-SYSCTL_INT(_vfs_devfs, OID_AUTO, dotimes, CTLFLAG_RW,
-        &devfs_dotimes, 0, "Update timestamps on DEVFS");
+SYSCTL_INT(_vfs_devfs, OID_AUTO, dotimes, CTLFLAG_RW, &devfs_dotimes, 0,
+    "Update timestamps on DEVFS with default precision");

This fixes 1 style bug (the tab) but adds another.  The normal formatting
is to split the declaration after CTLFLAG*.  Then preferably use a less
verbose discription so as to not need to split the line.  The old
description was a bit cryptic (but better than the sysctl name).

+static void
+devfs_timestamp(struct timespec *tsp)
+       time_t ts;
+       if (devfs_dotimes) {
+               vfs_timestamp(tsp);
+       } else {
+               ts = time_second;
+               if (tsp->tv_sec < ts) {
+                       tsp->tv_sec = ts;
+                       tsp->tv_nsec = 0;
+               }

File timestamps use CLOCK_REALTIME, so they are supposed to go backwards
sometimes.  More importantly, if the time is set to a future time (by
utimes(), etc., not due to a clock step), this prevents it being correted.
I think you only want to do a null update if tv_nsec is nonzero due to a
previous setting with vfs_timestamp(), and the new second hasn't arrived
yet.  Something like:

                if (tsp->tv_sec != ts) ...

If '<', then as above.  If '>', it means a correction by >= 1 second
(strictly greater if tv_nsec != 0).  The initial value tv_nsec is
irrelevant in both cases.

+       }

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