On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 05:35:00AM +0000, Colin Percival wrote:

> Author: cperciva
> Date: Thu Feb 12 05:35:00 2015
> New Revision: 278616
> URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/278616
> Log:
>   Step 1 of eliminating the "games" distribution: Move binaries to /usr/bin;
>   update paths; and include everything in the "base" distribution.
>   The "games" distribution being optional made sense when there were more
>   games and we had small disks; but the "games-like" games were moved into
>   the ports tree a dozen years ago and the remaining "utility-like" games
>   occupy less than 0.001% of my laptop's small hard drive.  Meanwhile every
>   new user is confronted by the question "do you want games installed" when
>   they they try to install FreeBSD.
>   The next steps will be:
>   2. Removing punch card (bcd, ppt), phase-of-moon (pom), clock (grdc), and
>   caesar cipher (caesar, rot13) utilities.  I intend to keep fortune, factor,
>   morse, number, primes, and random, since there is evidence that those are
>   still being used.

Please, keep pom.

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