On 04/25/14 06:07, Glen Barber wrote:
On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 02:00:13PM +0400, Dmitry Morozovsky wrote:
seconded, till now the most bootable case for machines under my hands were
happy with no-partition at all (fake MBR with 50k@s4, dd from UFS)

I'm working on restoring the MBR, but need some time to test.  If
I can't get a working memstick image with the addition of an EFI
partition for the UEFI boot loader in a few hours, I'll revert this


The amd64 release scripts now include variants that build EFI/BIOS dual mode images. These should be bootable everywhere: stupid BIOSes that see GPT and try to boot with EFI will succeed since there actually is EFI. If you try to boot with BIOS, it will also boot that way. (Thanks to Marcel for mkimg, by the way, which have made the scripts much cleaner)

These cannot, however, become the defaults for the time being because GENERIC uses syscons and syscons does not support EFI. Adding EFI loaders to the image means there is an increased likelihood they will be used and failing to give a console afterward is not friendly behavior. The VT kernel configuration works with both.

So, to make universally bootable install media, we have to switch the default console driver to newcons. This means we need to finish polishing newcons and need to think about what, exactly, the missing pieces are to enable it as the default.
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